demo16 of Im2mesh package
demo16 - How to add points or nodes to polygonal boundaries before meshing
I suggest familiarizing yourself with Im2mesh_GUI before learning Im2mesh package. With graphical user interface, Im2mesh_GUI will help you better understand the workflow and parameters of Im2mesh package.
If you are using Im2mesh package in MATLAB, you need to install MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox and Mapping Toolbox because Im2mesh package use a few functions in these toolboxes.
Before we start, please set folder "Im2mesh_Matlab" as your current folder of MATLAB.
Set default image size.
x = 250; y = 250; width = 350; height = 350;
set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', [x,y,width,height])
% set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', 'factory')
Function poly2mesh use a mesh generator called MESH2D (developed by Darren Engwirda). We can use the following command to add the folder 'mesh2d-master' to the path of MATLAB. addpath(genpath('mesh2d-master'))
Get boundries from image
We have demostrated how to do this in demo04.
im = imread('Shape.tif');
if size(im,3) == 3; im = rgb2gray( im ); end
% image to polygon boundary
boundsRaw = im2Bounds( im );
boundsCtrlP = getCtrlPnts( boundsRaw, false, size(im) );
lambda = 0.5; mu = -0.5; iters = 100;
threshold_num_turning = 0; threshold_num_vert_Smo = 0;
boundsSmooth = smoothBounds( boundsCtrlP, lambda, mu, iters, ...
threshold_num_turning, threshold_num_vert_Smo );
% simplify polygon boundary
tolerance = 0.3; threshold_num_vert_Sim = 0;
boundsSimplified = simplifyBounds( boundsSmooth, tolerance, ...
threshold_num_vert_Sim );
boundsSimplified = delZeroAreaPoly( boundsSimplified );
% clear up redundant vertices
% only control points and turning points will remain
boundsClear = getCtrlPnts( boundsSimplified, false );
boundsClear = simplifyBounds( boundsClear, 0 );
plotBounds( boundsClear, false, 'ko-' );
Coordinates of 4 corners
Before adding points to boundary, we want to know about the x y coordinates of 4 corners in polygonal boundaries .
The image size is
The height and width of the input image is 80 and 92, respectively.
So the x y coordinates of 4 corners in polygonal boundaries will be
corners = [0.5, 0.5] + [ 0, 0;
0.5000 0.5000
92.5000 0.5000
92.5000 80.5000
0.5000 80.5000
The midpoint in the bottom boundary is
xyMidBottom = 0.5*(corners(1,:) + corners(2,:));
We will use these points later.
Add midpoint to the bottom edge
We can use function addPnt2Bound to add a point to polygonal boundaries.
tol_dist = 1e-2; % distance tolerance
boundsNew = addPnt2Bound( xyMidBottom, boundsClear, tol_dist );
plotBounds( boundsNew, false, 'ko-' );
We saw that the midpoint of the bottom edge is added to the boundary.
When we generate finite element mesh, the mesh will have this point in the vertices. The midpoint maybe useful when defining boundary condition in some cases.
Add a point near the bottom edge
The point to be added does not have to lie exactly on the pristine boundary. The point can have some distance away from the pristine boundary. Check the following example.
Here we set distance tolerance 'tol_dist' to 8. If the shortest distance between the point and the pristine boundary is less than 'tol_dist', the point will be added to the boundary. Otherwise, the point will not be added.
tol_dist = 8; % distance tolerance
boundsNew = addPnt2Bound( point, boundsNew, tol_dist );
plotBounds( boundsNew, false, 'ko-' );
Add multiple points to the upper edge
We can add multiple point to the boundary.
Suppose we want to add 58 points between the upper left corner and the upper right corner. Let's define these points.
x = linspace( xUpLeft, xUpRight, 60 )';
y = linspace( yUpLeft, yUpRight, 60 )';
Add these points to the boundary.
tol_dist = 1e-2; % distance tolerance
boundsNew = addPnt2Bound( points, boundsNew, tol_dist );
plotBounds( boundsNew, false, 'k.-' );
Generate mesh
We use function poly2mesh to generate mesh.
Function poly2mesh uses mesh generator MESH2D (developed by Darren Engwirda). [ poly_node, poly_edge ] = getPolyNodeEdge( boundsNew );
[ vert,tria,tnum ] = poly2mesh( poly_node, poly_edge, hmax, mesh_kind, grad_limit );
Refine triangulation...
|ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)|
5 156 208
10 170 428
13 173 468
Refine triangulation...
|ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)|
10 234 208
10 234 208
20 240 1431
30 243 1478
30 243 1478
Smooth triangulation...
4 427 1458
8 69 1458
12 0 1458
Awesome! We saw that the mesh near the upper boundary is denser due to the inserted nodes.
Add points to a specific polyline
We can function addPnt2Bound to add points to a specific polyline.
Suppose we are interested in polygon - boundsClear{1}{2}. Let's plot it.
poly = boundsClear{1}{2};
figure; hold on; axis equal
plot( poly(:,1), poly(:,2), 'ko-' );
text( poly(i,1), poly(i,2), num2str(i), ...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left', ...
'VerticalAlignment', 'top', ...
'FontSize', 8, 'Color', 'red');
Suppose we are interested in the polyline between vertex 37 and vertex 40. Let's extract it.
polyline = poly(37:40,:);
plot( polyline(:,1), polyline(:,2), 'ko-' ); axis equal
Then, we can add more vertices to the interested polyline by repeatedly inserting midpoints to edges. We do this by function insertMidPnt.
polyline = insertMidPnt( polyline );
polyline = insertMidPnt( polyline );
polyline = insertMidPnt( polyline );
polyline = insertMidPnt( polyline );
plot( polyline(:,1), polyline(:,2), 'ko-' ); axis equal
Add the polyline to the bounday.
tol_dist = 1e-2; % distance tolerance
boundsNew = addPnt2Bound( polyline, boundsClear, tol_dist );
plotBounds( boundsNew, false, 'ko-' );
We saw the added nodes.
Generate mesh
We use function poly2mesh to generate mesh.
[ poly_node, poly_edge ] = getPolyNodeEdge( boundsNew );
[ vert,tria,tnum,vert2,tria2 ] = poly2mesh( poly_node, poly_edge, hmax, mesh_kind, grad_limit );
Refine triangulation...
|ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)|
5 148 238
10 166 456
16 167 588
Refine triangulation...
|ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)|
10 232 238
11 233 238
20 238 1801
23 238 1817
Smooth triangulation...
4 538 1793
8 128 1793
12 0 1793
Awesome! We saw that the mesh near the polyline is denser due to the inserted nodes.
set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', 'factory')