demo14 of Im2mesh package
demo14 - How to use polyshape object to define multi-part geometry for mesh generation
I suggest familiarizing yourself with Im2mesh_GUI before learning Im2mesh package. With graphical user interface, Im2mesh_GUI will help you better understand the workflow and parameters of Im2mesh package.
If you are using Im2mesh package in MATLAB, you need to install MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox and Mapping Toolbox because Im2mesh package use a few functions in these toolboxes.
Before we start, please set folder "Im2mesh_Matlab" as your current folder of MATLAB.
Set default image size.
x = 250; y = 250; width = 350; height = 350;
set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', [x,y,width,height])
% set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', 'factory')
Function poly2mesh use a mesh generator called MESH2D (developed by Darren Engwirda). We can use the following command to add the folder 'mesh2d-master' to the path of MATLAB. addpath(genpath('mesh2d-master'))
Polyshape is a MATLAB built-in object for polygon-like shapes. We can use object functions of polyshape to create multi-part geometry. Please refer to the following webpage about object functions of polyshape.
Single-part geometry
Single polyshape object
Let's create a single polyshape (for a single part).
We can try to create a square with a hole
vertex = [ 0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1 ];
psUnitSq = polyshape(vertex);
Scale the unit square with respect to its centroid to create a tiny square, and rotate.
[x,y] = centroid(psUnitSq);
psSqTiny = scale(psUnitSq, scale_factor, refpoint);
[x,y] = centroid(psSqTiny);
psSqTiny = rotate(psSqTiny, 45, refpoint);
Perform boolean operation to create a square with a hole.
psSqHole = subtract(psUnitSq, psSqTiny);
Polygonal boundary
We use function polyshape2bound to convert a cell array of polyshape to a cell array of polygonal boundary.
psCell = {psSqHole}; % psCell is a cell array of polyshape
bounds = polyshape2bound(psCell);
% plot boundaries and show all vertices
Generate mesh via MESH2D
We use function poly2mesh to generate mesh.
Function poly2mesh uses mesh generator MESH2D (developed by Darren Engwirda). [ poly_node, poly_edge ] = getPolyNodeEdge( bounds );
mesh_kind = 'delaunay'; % method used to create mesh size function
[ vert,tria,tnum ] = poly2mesh( poly_node, poly_edge, hmax, mesh_kind, grad_limit );
Refine triangulation...
|ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)|
2 12 8
5 20 28
Refine triangulation...
|ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)|
3 20 8
8 20 54
Smooth triangulation...
4 5 54
Plot mesh.
We can adjust hmax and grad_limit to change the mesh size.
Generate mesh via Gmsh
To use Gmsh as mesh generator, we need to download Gmsh ( and un-zip. We need to know the location of gmesh.exe
path_to_gmsh = 'C:\Users\Jason\Downloads\gmsh-4.13.1-Windows64\gmsh.exe';
We can use Gmsh to generate triangular or quadrilateral mesh. Please refer to 'Im2mesh_GUI Tutorial.pdf' and Gmsh manual about how to choose meshing parameters. Please refer to demo13 about the meanings of the following functions.
Let's generate unstructured quadrilateral mesh.
[ phaseLoops, vertex, edge ] = bound2SurfaceLoop( bounds );
path_to_geo = 'gmshTemp.geo';
printGeo( phaseLoops, point, line, opt, path_to_geo );
path_to_m = 'gmshTemp.m';
str=sprintf('"%s" "%s" -o "%s" -v %i -save', ...
path_to_gmsh, path_to_geo, path_to_m, verbosity );
% struct variable 'msh' in the workspace of MATLAB
msh =
nbNod: 136
POS: [136×3 double]
MAX: [1 1 0]
MIN: [0 0 0]
QUADS: [112×5 double]
Before ploting the mesh, we need to do some processing to the mesh data.
ele = msh.QUADS(:,1:end-1);
area = quadarea( vert, ele );
ele(area<0.,:) = ele( area<0., [1,4,3,2] );
plotMeshes( vert, ele, tnum )
Awesome! Please refer to demo13 about how to evaluate mesh quality.
Mesh seed
It's possible to add mesh seed to the polygonal boundary before mesh generation. Please refer to demo16 about how to add mesh seeds.
Seeds are defined as markers that you place along the edges of a region to specify the target mesh density in that region.
Multi-part geometry
Multiple polyshape objects
Let's create multiple polyshape objects for multi-part geometry.
Start with a unit square.
vertex = [ 0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1 ];
psUnitSq = polyshape(vertex);
Create three rods - A B C, and combine them using function union.
psRodBase = scale( psUnitSq, [1, 0.05]);
psRodA = rotate( psRodBase, 155 );
psRodA = translate( psRodA, [0.6 0.8] );
psRodB = translate( psRodBase, [0.1 0.9] );
psRodC = translate( psRodBase, [-0.1 0.5] );
psRodABC = union([ psRodA; psRodB; psRodC ]);
Create a circle.
psCircle = polyshape(x1,y1);
Plot them together.
plot( [psRodABC; psUnitSq; psCircle] );
We saw that they are overlapped.
Boolean operations
We use boolean operations of polyshape object to remove overlapped regions.
psBlock = subtract( psUnitSq, psRodABC );
psBlock = subtract( psBlock, psCircle );
psRodABC = subtract( psRodABC, psCircle );
plot( [psRodABC; psBlock; psCircle] );
Cell array of polyshape
We put them into a cell array - psCell. Each element in psCell represent different parts. It's like labelling.
psCell = { psRodABC; psBlock; psCircle };
for i = 1: length(psCell)
Add intersect points
Polyshape objects are not able to find intersect points automatically. Therefore, we convert the cell array of polyshape 'psCell' to a cell array of polygonal boundaries 'bounds', and use function addIntersectPnts to add intersect points to 'bounds'.
Note that if we don't add intersect points, mesh generation will fail.
bounds = polyshape2bound(psCell);
tol_intersect = 1e-6; % distance tolerance for intersect
boundsNew = addIntersectPnts( bounds, tol_intersect );
% plot boundaries and show all vertices
We saw that there are a lot of vertices on the circle.
Simplify boundaries
We want to reduce the number of vertices on the circle.
boundsCtrlP = getCtrlPnts( boundsNew, false );
tolerance = 0.003; % for Douglas-Peucker polyline simplification
boundsSimplified = simplifyBounds( boundsCtrlP, tolerance, 0 );
Awesome! We saw that the number of vertices on the circle reduced a lot.
Note that you need to adjust the value of tolerance to achieve your desired reduction.
Generate mesh via MESH2D
We use function poly2mesh to generate mesh.
Function poly2mesh uses mesh generator MESH2D (developed by Darren Engwirda). [ poly_node, poly_edge ] = getPolyNodeEdge( boundsSimplified );
mesh_kind = 'delaunay'; % method used to create mesh size function
[ vert,tria,tnum ] = poly2mesh( poly_node, poly_edge, hmax, mesh_kind, grad_limit );
Refine triangulation...
|ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)|
5 86 65
10 102 172
11 102 174
Refine triangulation...
|ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)|
6 140 65
10 157 444
14 157 506
Smooth triangulation...
4 89 492
8 0 492
Plot mesh.
We saw that the mesh in the rod is very coarse. It's possible to refine mesh near a specific polygon boundary. Please refer to demo04 and demo16.
Generate mesh via Gmsh
To use Gmsh as mesh generator, we need to download Gmsh ( and un-zip. We need to know the location of gmesh.exe
path_to_gmsh = 'C:\Users\Jason\Downloads\gmsh-4.13.1-Windows64\gmsh.exe';
We can use Gmsh to generate triangular or quadrilateral mesh. Please refer to 'Im2mesh_GUI Tutorial.pdf' and Gmsh manual about how to choose meshing parameters. Please refer to demo13 about the meanings of the following functions.
[ phaseLoops, vertex, edge ] = bound2SurfaceLoop( boundsSimplified );
path_to_geo = 'gmshTemp.geo';
printGeo( phaseLoops, point, line, opt, path_to_geo );
path_to_m = 'gmshTemp.m';
str=sprintf('"%s" "%s" -o "%s" -v %i -save', ...
path_to_gmsh, path_to_geo, path_to_m, verbosity );
Warning : Cannot apply Blossom: odd number of triangles (7) in surface 4
Warning : Cannot apply Blossom: odd number of triangles (163) in surface 5
Warning : ------------------------------
Warning : Mesh generation error summary
Warning : 2 warnings
Warning : 0 errors
Warning : Check the full log for details
Warning : ------------------------------
% struct variable 'msh' in the workspace of MATLAB
msh =
nbNod: 659
POS: [659×3 double]
MAX: [1.1000 1.2226 0]
MIN: [-0.3274 0 0]
QUADS: [606×5 double]
Before ploting the mesh, we need to do some processing to the mesh data.
ele = msh.QUADS(:,1:end-1);
area = quadarea( vert, ele );
ele(area<0.,:) = ele( area<0., [1,4,3,2] );
plotMeshes( vert, ele, tnum )
Awesome! Please refer to demo13 about how to evaluate mesh quality.
It's possible to generate mesh for multi-part geometry via Matlab built-in function generateMesh.
To use function generateMesh as mesh generator, we need to install PDE toolbox.
generateMesh is a Matlab built-in function. However, function generateMesh does not support multi-part geometry.
Here, we use function poly2meshBuiltIn to generate mesh for multi-part geometry. Inside poly2meshBuiltIn, it's function generateMesh. Note that function poly2meshBuiltIn may crash occasionally.
set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', 'factory')