demo01 of Im2mesh package

demo01 - Demonstrate function im2mesh, which use MESH2D as mesh generator.
Cite as: Ma, J., & Li, Y. (2025). Im2mesh: A MATLAB/Octave package for generating finite element mesh based on 2D multi-phase image (2.1.5). Zenodo.
Jiexian Ma, Project website.
Table of Contents


I suggest familiarizing yourself with Im2mesh_GUI before learning Im2mesh package. With graphical user interface, Im2mesh_GUI will help you better understand the workflow and parameters of Im2mesh package.
If you are using Im2mesh package in MATLAB, you need to install MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox and Mapping Toolbox because Im2mesh package use a few functions in these toolboxes.


Before we start, please set folder "Im2mesh_Matlab" as your current folder of MATLAB.
Set default image size.
x = 250; y = 250; width = 250; height = 250;
set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', [x,y,width,height])
% To reset:
% set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', 'factory')
Function im2mesh use a mesh generator called MESH2D (developed by Darren Engwirda). We can use the following command to add the folder 'mesh2d-master' to the path of MATLAB.


Let's start demo01. We'll demostate the usage of function im2mesh.
Import image kumamon.tif.
im = imread('kumamon.tif');
if size(im,3) == 3; im = rgb2gray( im ); end
imshow( im,'InitialMagnification','fit' );
Show the grayscale levels in the image
intensity = unique( im );
intensity = 4×1 uint8 column vector
0 100 180 255
Let's use function im2mesh to generate meshes based on the kumamon image. We will use default settings. Note that function im2mesh has incorporated the workflow that you saw in im2mesh_GUI: extract polygonal boundaries from image, search & label control points, smooth boundary, simplify boundary, select phase, and generate mesh.
[ vert, tria, tnum ] = im2mesh( im );
Refine triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 6 153 235 10 171 485 14 173 534 Refine triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 7 266 235 10 275 1233 19 285 1904 Smooth triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |MOVE(X)| |DTRI(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 4 492 1886 8 143 1886 12 5 1886
Function im2mesh has 3 ouptut variables: vert, tria, tnum. They defines linear elements of generated triangular mesh.
vert - Node data. N-by-2 array.
vert(i,1:2) = [x_coordinate, y_coordinate] of the i-th node
tria - Node numbering for each triangle. M-by-3 array.
tria(j,1:3) = [node_numbering_of_3_nodes] of the j-th element
tnum - Label of material phase. P-by-1 array.
tnum(j,1) = k; means the j-th element is belong to the k-th phase
We can plot the mesh using function plotMeshes.
plotMeshes( vert, tria, tnum )

Mesh quality

We can use function tricost to check the mesh quality. Function tricost is written by by Darren Engwirda.
tricost( vert, tria, tnum );
We can get the mean value of Q.
mean(triscr2( vert, tria ))
ans = 0.9549
Wonderful! Let's check the total number of triangles in the mesh.
size( tria, 1 )
ans = 1886
That's a lot of triangles.

Change parameter

We can change the parameters of function im2mesh to see whether it help to reduce the number of triangles.
opt = []; % initialize. opt is a structure array.
opt.tolerance = 1; % default value for opt.tolerance is 0.3
[ vert, tria, tnum ] = im2mesh( im, opt );
Refine triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 6 104 133 10 117 231 12 118 236 Refine triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 6 175 133 10 190 709 17 201 846 Smooth triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |MOVE(X)| |DTRI(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 4 188 838 8 7 838
plotMeshes( vert, tria, tnum )
size( tria, 1 )
ans = 838
Now, the number of triangles decreases a lot. That's great.

Parameters of function im2mesh

As I showed before, there're two ways to call function im2mesh.
[ vert, tria, tnum ] = im2mesh( im ); % this use default opt setting
[ vert, tria, tnum ] = im2mesh( im, opt );
Variable opt means options. It's a structure array used to stored input parameters for function im2mesh. We can take a look at the default value of opt.
% opt is a structure array for parameters
opt.tf_avoid_sharp_corner = false;
opt.lambda = 0.5; = -0.5;
opt.iters = 100;
opt.threshold_num_turning = 10;
opt.threshold_num_vert_Smo = 10;
opt.tolerance = 0.3;
opt.threshold_num_vert_Sim = 10;
opt.grad_limit = 0.25;
opt.hmax = 500;
opt.mesh_kind = 'delaunay';
opt.select_phase = [];
You don't need to memorize the names of these parameters. The meaning of these parameters are listed the file "Im2mesh functions and parameters.pdf". Please refer to "Im2mesh_GUI Tutorial.pdf" about how to choose the value of these parameters. You may change the default values by editting function setOption in "im2mesh.m".

Quadratic element

Function im2mesh can also generate quadratic element via the following syntax.
[ vert, tria, tnum, vert2, tria2 ] = im2mesh( im ); % this use default opt setting
[ vert, tria, tnum, vert2, tria2 ] = im2mesh( im, opt );
Ouput variables - vert, tria, tnum define linear elements.
Ouput variables - vert2, tria2, tnum define quadratic elements.
Their meanings are as follows.
vert - Node data. N-by-2 array.
vert(i,1:2) = [x_coordinate, y_coordinate] of the i-th node
tria - Node numbering for each triangle. M-by-3 array.
tria(j,1:3) = [node_numbering_of_3_nodes] of the j-th element
tnum - Label of material phase. P-by-1 array.
tnum(j,1) = k; means the j-th element is belong to the k-th phase
vert2 - Node data (2nd order element). P-by-2 array. Due to new vertices, the length of vert2 is much longer than vert.
vert2(i,1:2) = [x_coordinate, y_coordinate] of the i-th node
tria2 - Node numbering for each triangle (2nd order element). M-by-6 array.
tria2(j,1:6) = [node_numbering_of_6_nodes] of the j-th element
You can also plot mesh using function plotMeshes, or eveluate mesh quality using function tricost.
plotMeshes( vert2, tria2, tnum );
tricost( vert2, tria2, tnum );

Example 1

Let's show some examples with different opt.
% example 1
opt = []; % reset opt
opt.tolerance = 1e-10; % no polyline simplification
[ vert, tria, tnum ] = im2mesh( im, opt );
Refine triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 6 720 1339 10 743 1688 20 772 3682 20 772 3682 Refine triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 10 887 1339 16 904 1339 20 909 5990 30 917 10916 30 917 10916 Smooth triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |MOVE(X)| |DTRI(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 4 3455 10814 8 1351 10814 12 144 10814 16 1 10814 20 5 10814 24 0 10814
plotMeshes( vert, tria, tnum );

Example 2

% example 2
opt = []; % reset opt
opt.tolerance = 1;
opt.select_phase = [1 2 4]; % select phase for meshing
[ vert, tria, tnum ] = im2mesh( im, opt );
Refine triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 3 88 121 9 99 196 Refine triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |CDT1(X)| |CDT2(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 5 154 121 10 168 682 16 173 756 Smooth triangulation... ------------------------------------------------------- |ITER.| |MOVE(X)| |DTRI(X)| ------------------------------------------------------- 4 174 746 8 8 746
plotMeshes( vert, tria, tnum );
% reset image size
set(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition', 'factory')
% end of demo